September, 1 2023

Welcome to our exciting journey together!

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A new start for Canary Islands companies: welcome to our marketplace

In a corner of the world where the sun kisses the horizon and the sea caresses the golden beaches, the Canary Islands awaken with a unique charm. But beyond the natural beauty that embraces this paradise, there is an even more precious treasure: the local and small brands that work tirelessly to weave the identity of this region. Today, with a heart full of enthusiasm and determination, we welcome you to our beloved Canary Islands marketplace, We have been working for months in the shadows, with hearts full of enthusiasm and hands full in building something that we believe will honor and elevate the spirit of the Canary Islands.


The value of local roots

Each brand is a story, a passion materialized in unique products that carry the spirit of the Canary Islands in every detail. From colors inspired by nature to textures that evoke iconic landscapes, these brands not only create products, but also weave the bonds of our community. We believe in the power of these local roots, and that's why this marketplace was born: to be the bridge that connects these brands with the hearts of all those who value the genuine and authentic.


Digitizing passions

The modern world offers us an infinite digital canvas where we can share our stories and creations with people all over the planet. And this is where we find our mission: to be the digital beacon that illuminates the passions and treasures of the Canary Islands. With our marketplace, we create a space where local brands can shine in the vast online arena, where the stories behind each product can be shared and celebrated, and where consumers can explore a diverse catalog that carries with it the very essence of our islands.


Our Vision

Our vision transcends simply being an e-commerce platform. We want to be a virtual home where stories intertwine, where every click supports the dreams of Canarian entrepreneurs. As you browse our marketplace, you will find much more than just products: you will discover the dedication, love and effort that goes into each creation. It is an invitation to be part of something bigger, to support and be part of the community that gives life to this special corner of the world.


Join our journey

Today, we raise our sails on this exciting journey. But we are not alone. We are accompanied by every local brand, every artist and artisan, every dreamer who has decided to share their passion with the world. And we are accompanied by you, the one who seeks the authentic and the meaningful in every purchase choice. This is a call to join us on this journey, to celebrate creativity, authenticity and community.


On behalf of the entire team that has worked tirelessly to make this dream a reality, we welcome you to Together, we will create an online destination where local brands will shine like stars in a clear sky, where stories will intertwine and where a passion for authenticity will find a home.


Welcome to this exciting new chapter!


With gratitude and enthusiasm,


Canary Market Place Team

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